Wednesday, September 14, 2011

iPad iOS 4 Development Essentials - Xcode 4 Edition

iPad iOS 4 Development Essentials - Xcode 4 EditionThis book contains 48 chapters of in-depth information on the development of apps for the iPad and is fully updated for use with the iOS 4 SDK and Xcode version 4.

Beginning with the basics, this book provides an overview of the iPad hardware and the architecture of both iOS 4 and the iOS SDK. An introduction to programming in Objective-C is provided followed by an in-depth look at the architecture of iPad applications and the design of user interfaces. More advanced topics such as certificates and provisioning, file and directory handling, database management, split views, popovers, graphics drawing and animation are also covered, as are touch screen handling, gesture recognition, mapKit handling, multitasking, iAds integration, location management, local notifications, camera access and video playback support.

Throughout this book theory is continually reinforced by extensive use of tutorials and examples for each topic area providing a firm knowledge foundation on which to begin developing iPad applications.

Topics covered in this eBook include:

- The Anatomy of an iPad 2

- iOS 4 Architecture and SDK Frameworks

- Installing Xcode and the iOS 4 SDK

- Creating a Simple iPad iOS 4 App

- Testing iOS 4 Apps on the iPad - Developer Certificates and Provisioning Profiles

- The Basics of Objective-C Programming

- The Basics of Object Oriented Programming in Objective-C

- An Overview of the iPad iOS 4 Application Development Architecture

- Creating an Interactive iOS 4 iPad App

- Writing iOS 4 Code to Hide the iPad Keyboard

- Understanding iPad iOS 4 Views, Windows and the View Hierarchy

- iOS 4 iPad Rotation, View Resizing and Layout Handling

- Creating an iOS 4 iPad Multiview Application using the Tab Bar

- Creating a Simple iOS 4 iPad Table View Application

- Creating a Navigation based iOS 4 iPad Application using TableViews

- An iPad iOS 4 Split View and Popover Example

- Using the UIPickerView and UIDatePicker Components in iOS 4 iPad Applications

- An iOS 4 iPad UIPickerView Example

- Working with Directories on iOS 4

- Working with Files on iOS 4

- iOS 4 iPad Directory Handling and File I/O . A Worked Example

- iOS 4 iPad Data Persistence using Archiving

- iOS 4 iPad Database Implementation using SQLite

- An Example SQLite based iOS 4 iPad Application

- Working with iOS 4 iPad Databases using Core Data

- An iOS 4 iPad Core Data Tutorial

- An Overview of iOS 4 iPad Multitouch, Taps and Gestures

- Identifying iPad Gestures using iOS 4 Gesture Recognizers

- An iPad iOS 4 Gesture Recognition Tutorial

- An Example iOS 4 iPad Touch, Multitouch and Tap Application

- Detecting iOS 4 iPad Touch Screen Gesture Motions

- Drawing iOS 4 iPad 2D Graphics with Quartz

- An iOS 4 iPad Graphics Drawing Tutorial using Quartz 2D

- Basic iPad Animation using Core Animation

- Integrating iAds into an iOS 4 iPad App

- An Overview of iOS 4 iPad Multitasking

- Scheduling iOS 4 iPad Local Notifications

- Getting iPad Location Information using the iOS 4 Core Location Framework

- An Example iOS 4 iPad Location Application

- Working with Maps on the iPad with MapKit and the MKMapView Class

- Accessing the iPad Camera and Photo Library

- An Example iOS 4 iPad Camera Application

- Video Playback from within an iOS 4 iPad Application

- Playing Audio on an iPad using AVAudioPlayer

- Recording Audio on an iPad with AVAudioRecorder

- Detecting when an iPad Headphone or Docking Connector is Unplugged

Price: $9.99

Click here to buy from Amazon

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